Formative e-Assessment: case stories, design patterns and future scenarios

Mor, Yishay; Mellar, Harvey; Pachler, Norbert and Daly, Caroline (2010). Formative e-Assessment: case stories, design patterns and future scenarios. In: Kohls, Christian and Wedekind, Joachim eds. Problems Investigations of E-Learning Patterns: Context Factors, Problems and Solutions. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI, pp. 199–219.



This chapter presents findings from the JISC funded project ‘Scoping a vision for formative e-assessment’ (FEASST). The project was motivated by the increasing recognition of the importance of formative assessment and the need to identify effective strategies for incorporating it into e-learning. This chapter is particularly interested in the human-centric, social dimensions of e-assessment. The project used the participatory pattern methodology to engage a group of practitioners in developing case studies of formative e-assessment across a range of settings (from Primary to Higher Education) through a series of Practical Enquiry Days. Next, the design patterns were extracted from these cases and the outcomes were analysed against the literature. Patterns were subjected to the scrutiny of a group of software developers who used them as the basis for pedagogical and technical scenarios of use. Finally, the case studies and the design patterns were mapped to a domain map. This chapter provides an overview of the project and highlights an illustrative number of patterns.

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