Sharing practices and experiences on the authoring and adaptation of Open Educational Resources

Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Okada, Alexandra and Connolly, Teresa (2011). Sharing practices and experiences on the authoring and adaptation of Open Educational Resources. In: Open Educational Resources 2011, 11-13 May 2011, Manchester, UK.



OpenScout (Skill based scouting of open user-generated and community-improved content for management education and training - is a European project, aiming to provide an education service on the web that enables users to easily find, access, use and exchange Open Educational Resources (OER) for management education and training. In the context of OpenScout, our work is focused on enabling and supporting users in localising, adapting and improving existing materials. As a result, a significant outcome of the OpenScout service portfolio is a set of tools for the authoring and adaptation of OER, as well as the establishment of an infrastructure allowing stakeholders to share their practices and experiences.
This demonstration will present the OpenScout tool library, an open online environment for sharing OER adaptation practices and experiences. The OpenScout tool library has been envisioned as an ecosystem of people, stories, and resources. The purpose of this ecosystem is to bring together people who are developing or using learning resources and provide them with the ability to share their stories and resources. These people come from diverse backgrounds and are involved in various stages of the lifecycle of learning resources. They belong to four major stakeholder clusters: content providers and brokers, educators, collaborators, and social learners. Their stories include completed or running case studies and learning scenarios, their experiences with learning resources, as well as their future expectations from them. Finally the learning resources involved are either learning tools or content, mainly OER. The current version of the tool library is available online at It allows users to create accounts, connect with other users, create a personalised environment, work with widgets, share stories and resources, as well as create and join groups. The groups of the tool library enable people with common interests, backgrounds, and purposes in reusing and adapting learning material, to share tools and other resources, as well as engage into discussions and collaborative tasks.

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