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Steele, Liam; Lewis, Stephen; Patel, Manish and Wilson, R.J
The aim of this project is to model the Martian water cycle, including radiatively active water ice clouds, to interpret new observations from Mars Climate Sounder. We will be using the latest version of the LMD MGCM, which includes the new LMD physics routines. A unique data assimilation system will be used to obtain a complete, dynamically self-consistent reconstruction of the entire global circulation for the complete period of the MCS mission to date.
From the produced records, a series of diagnostic studies will then be made to characterise the climatology and synoptic meteorology of Mars over seasonal and interannual timescales, including detailed case studies of events such as the formation of cyclonic weather systems. The assimilation results can be used to test the validity of the new cloud schemes introduced to the model, which will improve our understanding of the Martian water cycle.