What do 'good' teachers know? Investigating teacher professional knowledge

Banks, Frank (2011). What do 'good' teachers know? Investigating teacher professional knowledge. In: Subramaniam, K. ed. Research Trends in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. The episteme Reviews (3). New Delhi, India: Macmillan India, pp. 275–299.

URL: http://www.macmillanindia.com/book-details.asp?fro...


‘Everyone remembers a good teacher’ was the theme of a recent teacher recruitment campaign in the United Kingdom, but what is it that is considered ‘good teaching’in science and technology? Drawing on empirical work carried out with teachers in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Finland, India, Iraq, New Zealand and the United Kingdom this paper sets out aspects of teacher professional knowledge by presenting
a framework in the context of design and technology education and generalizing it to a common frame of analysis.
What constitutes the school science and school technology curriculum has gone through considerable change in many countries over the last twenty years and the analytical framework presented here can be shared with teachers to enable them to use it as a tool to focus on their own professional development needs and personal beliefs about successful teaching. Considering their subject knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, ‘school knowledge’ and their own rationale for the teaching of science or technology, teachers are able to articulate their professional priorities. Satisfying those professional needs, however, in an environment where teachers are ‘time-poor’ and under considerable pressure to be in school working day by
day with their students to achieve examination results is an acute challenge for teacher educators and policy makers. The paper considers some on-line open and
distance learning as a model for effective school-based teacher professional development. By making the school itself the site of learning and the classroom, laboratory or workroom the arena of change,teacher professional growth can not only become effective but cost-effective.

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