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King, Helen (2004). Chamberlen, Hugh, the elder (b. 1630x34, d. after 1720). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
(b. 1630x34, d. after 1720), physician and economist, the eldest son of Peter Chamberlen (1601–1683), and his wife, Jane, eldest daughter of Sir Hugh Myddelton, was born in the parish of St Anne, Blackfriars, London, between 1630 and 1634. Peter Chamberlen the younger (1572–1626) was his grandfather and Paul Chamberlen (1635–1717) his brother [see under Chamberlen family (per. c.1600–c.1730)]. Nothing is known of his education; he held the bishop's licence to practise midwifery, but probably did not have a degree in medicine. He nevertheless appears as doctor of medicine in the state papers and on the lists of the Royal Society, to which he was elected a fellow on 6 April 1681. On 28 May 1663 he married Dorothy Brett, daughter of Colonel John Brett, at St Paul's, Covent Garden. They had three sons—Hugh Chamberlen the younger (1664–1728) [see under Chamberlen family (per. c.1600–c.1730)], Peter, and Myddelton—and one daughter, Dorothy.