Moving towards adaptive search

Dignum, Stephen; Kim, Yunhyong; Kruschwitz, Udo; Song, Dawei; Fasli, Maria and De Roeck, Anne (2009). Moving towards adaptive search. In: Workshop on Advanced Technologies for Digital Libraries, 8 Sep 2009, Trento, Italy.



Information retrieval has become very popular over the last
decade with the advent of the Web. Nevertheless, searching on the Web is very different to searching on smaller, often more structured collections such as intranets and digital libraries. Such collections are the focus of the AutoAdapt project. The project seeks to aid user search by providing well structured domain knowledge to assist query modification and navigation.

There are two challenges: acquiring the domain knowledge and adapting it automatically to the specific interest of the user community. The paper introduces an implemented prototype that serves as a starting point on the
way to truly adaptive search.

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