The Open University-NASA Apollo Virtual Microscope – a tool for Education and Outreach

Kelley, Simon; Tindle, Andrew; Anand, Mahesh; Whalley, Peter; Hogan, Paul; Valentine, Chris; Pillinger, Colin; Gibson, Everett and Schwenzer, Susanne (2011). The Open University-NASA Apollo Virtual Microscope – a tool for Education and Outreach. In: 42th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA.



The Open University started building virtual microscopes in 1993 when a team of Earth scientists and educational technologists joined together to push the boundaries in the teaching of petrology and optical microscopy. In the last two years we have produced two major new works to support our teaching program – virtual microscopes for a level 2 course, Geology, and a level 3 course Understanding the Continents. The Apollo virtual microscope is an extension of that work designed to be freely available and on-line.

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