E-assessment for open learning

Swithenby, Stephen (2008). E-assessment for open learning. In: The 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2008, in the context of The 2nd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2008, 29 Jun - 2 Jul 2008, Orlando, FL, USA.

URL: http://www.iiis.org/CDs2008/CD2008SCI/EISTA2008/Pa...


Computer based assessment is becoming a major part of the experience of university students. This development involves both high-stakes summative assessment and formative assessment embedded within blended learning processes. Present use of computer based assessment in universities can be characterised as follows.
1 Uptake that is focused in the sciences.
2 Assessment tasks that involve recall rather than cognition.
3 A growing use of commercial and central providers.
4 The growth of Web Services that include assessment and transcend
5 Limited use for summative purposes.
The summative role of computer based assessment has been limited by many factors, particularly the perception that it is not sufficiently valid or authentic, and that it is vulnerable to collusion and plagiarism.
There have been a number of analyses of the adoption of e-assessment. For example, Whitelock and Brasher have set out a roadmap and vision for e-assessment and have identified the drivers for adoption as; the prospect of increases in student retention, enhanced feedback, flexibility for distance learning, scaleability, and objectivity in marking. They assert that the principal barriers to uptake are the need for academic staff development, high entry cost, and social and regulatory conservatism.
Many of these factors are relevant to both residential and distance teaching universities. However, there are a number of factors that should promote enhanced interest from those involved in open and distance learning.

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