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Reeve, Fiona; Gallacher, Jim and Ingram, Robert
Policies for work-related higher education (HE) in Scotland and England have diverged in recent years. In Scotland, higher national certificates/diplomas (HNC/Ds) continue to provide the main framework for vocationally-focused HE learning, while in England there has been a decisive change associated with the establishment of foundation degrees (FDs). This paper reports on a comparative research project which has examined how work-based learning (WBL) or work-related learning (WRL) is being incorporated within these two frameworks. It draws on empirical research within six programmes, including full-time and part-time examples. Data was gathered using qualitative interviews with students, employers, course organisers and other stakeholders. In this paper we focus on the extent to which interviewees consider that they have been able to draw on the knowledge, skills and understanding developed through these WBL and WRL experiences in their subsequent work or further studies.