Valuing work-based and work-related learning: a comparative study of the ‘exchange value’ of Higher Nationals in Scotland and Foundation Degrees in England

Reeve, Fiona; Ingram, Robert and Gallacher, Jim (2008). Valuing work-based and work-related learning: a comparative study of the ‘exchange value’ of Higher Nationals in Scotland and Foundation Degrees in England. In: SRHE Annual Conference 2008 Valuing Higher Education, 9-11 Dec 2008, Liverpool.



This paper reports on issues emerging from of a comparative study of Higher National Certificates/Diplomas (HNC/Ds) in Scotland and Foundation Degrees (FDs) in England. While policies in both countries are aiming to reshape skills development at this level, it is in English FD policy that we see the greatest emphasis on work-based learning (WBL), and on establishing a larger role for employers. Our study has been examining the approach to work-based and work-related learning (WRL) which has been implemented within selected FD and higher national (HN) programmes. We have been exploring the student and employer experience of WBL and WRL, and the value that these ‘stakeholders’ ascribe to it. In this paper we will focus on the outcomes for students, and in particular the extent they were able to use their qualifications to enter or progress within the labour market.

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