Reading course materials in e-book form and on mobile devices

Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2005). Reading course materials in e-book form and on mobile devices. In: Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes and Traxler, John eds. Mobile Learning: a Handbook for Educators and Trainers. Open & Flexible Learning Series. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 125–132.


In 2001-3 The Open University launched a project on e-book production and deployment, funded by a university initiative in e-learning. The project set out to investigate technical aspects of producing Open University course books and other course materials in e-book form without increasing overall production costs. A pilot study was conducted to trial and to investigate the use of such e-book materials on a number of courses with a view to their future general use as an alternative study medium, and this was accompanied by a formal evaluation by the Institute of Educational Technology. This case study describes the evaluation of the E-Book Pilot Project, focusing on teaching and learning aspects and the use of laptops and PDAs, rather than e-book production issues.

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