Supporting Pedagogy and Practice in Early Years Settings

Allen, Shirley F. [Author]; Whalley, Mary E. [Author]; Goodliff, Gill D. [Series editor] and Trodd, Lynn [Series editor] eds. (2010). Supporting Pedagogy and Practice in Early Years Settings. Achieving EYPS. Exeter: Learning Matters.



To achieve EYPS, candidates must understand the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS), and how to put it into practice. This text supports those on all EYPS pathways to extend their knowledge and understanding of effective pedagogy within the context of the EYFS. It begins by looking at effective practice in the EYFS and how research has informed recent initiatives. It goes on to cover children's learning and development, safe and stimulating environments and the role of the adult. The text considers how EYPs can support others in their practice to improve the delivery of learning throughout their setting.

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