Making tacit requirements explicit

Gacitua, R.; Ma, L.; Nuseibeh, B.; Piwek, P.; De Roeck, A.; Rouncefield, M.; Sawyer, P.; Willis, A. and Yang, H. (2009). Making tacit requirements explicit. In: Second International Workshop on Managing Requirements Knowledge (MaRK’09), 1 Sep 2009, Altanta, USA.


The importance of tacit knowledge in Requirements Engineering (RE) is widely acknowledged. While valuable work has developed techniques to expose sources of tacit knowledge during requirements elicitation, such techniques are not universally applied and tacit knowledge, continues to negatively affect the quality of the requirements. In this position paper we present a brief review and interpretation of the literature on tacit knowledge that, we believe, is useful for RE. We describe a number of techniques that offer analysts the means to reason about the effect of tacit knowledge and improve the quality of requirements and their management.

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