The “prototype walkthrough”: a studio-based learning activity for the next generation of HCI education

Hundhausenm, Christopher; Fairbrother, Dana and Petre, Marian (2010). The “prototype walkthrough”: a studio-based learning activity for the next generation of HCI education. In: Next Generation of HCI and Education: CHI 2010 Workshop on UI Technologies and Educational Pedagogy, 11 Apr 2010, Atlanta, GA.



For over a century, studio-based instruction has served as an effective pedagogical model in architecture and fine arts education. Because of its design orientation, human-computer interaction (HCI) education is an excellent candidate for studio-based instruction. In an undergraduate HCI course, we have been exploring a studio-based learning activity called the prototype walkthrough, in which a student project group simulates its evolving user interface prototype while a student audience member acts as a test user. The audience is encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback. We have observed that prototype walkthroughs create ideal conditions for learning about design. In order to better understand the educational value of the activity and how best to support it technologically, we are performing a content analysis of a video corpus of prototype walkthroughs supported by two alternative forms of prototyping technology: simple art supplies and a computer-based low fidelity prototyping tool.

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