Understanding the potential opportunities provided by service orientated concepts to improve resource productivity

Cook, M. (2004). Understanding the potential opportunities provided by service orientated concepts to improve resource productivity. In: Bhamra, Tracy and Hon, Bernard eds. Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development 2004. Bury St. Edmonds, UK: Professional Engineering Publishing Limited, pp. 123–134.

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Driven by the need to secure additional economic value, manufacturing firms have integrated a variety of service orientated concepts into their product portfolios. In some instances these are additional to their existing traditional material based products whilst in other they supplant these altogether. A number of commentators contend that this emerging technological trajectory may provide a promising avenue toward ecological modernisation and opportunities to yield significant improvements in resource productivity.

Using the results of a stream of research conducted by Cranfield University to assess the opportunities that this trajectory may provide, this paper identifies and challenges many of the key assumptions which underpin this assertion.

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