Trojan Women in Yorubaland: Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu

Budelmann, Felix (2007). Trojan Women in Yorubaland: Femi Osofisan's Women of Owu. In: Hardwick, Lorna and Gillespie, Carol eds. Classics in Post-Colonial Worlds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 15–39.



This chapter is concerned with the latest of several plays by West African authors that draw on Greek tragedies: Femi Osofisan's The Women of Owu, based on Euripides' Women of Troy. It discusses Osofisan's treatment of responsibility, communality, gender, and form and tone; as well as the interrelation of African, ancient Greek and modern European elements in his play. It ends with some broader considerations about Classics and postcolonial studies.

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