Migrant Mothers Transmitting and Transforming Ethnic Identities

Erel, U. (2011). Migrant Mothers Transmitting and Transforming Ethnic Identities. In: Bertram, Hans and Ehlert, Nancy eds. Familie, Bindung und Care. Budrich, pp. 321–328.

URL: http://www.budrich-verlag.de/index_en.php?SID=f48a...


About the book:
Specifically shall be described with the planned publication more exactly how care is possible between the generations, how relationships and relations outside the market can be ensured, how welfare performances can be secured and how the different countries solve their specific problems in a society, which is becoming older. In the family not only the bases of the human fortune in a society are created but also the base of lifelong solidarity between the generations and the readiness for taking care of others.
In the context of this book the broad perspective of William S. Goode and Talcott Parson is picked up and regions like Europe, Japan, China, Africa, Near East and the United States of America are examined regarding the recognizable developments of family, family life forms and the conditions of children’s lives. Other than in Parson’s and William S. Goode’s model the views on future developments base on the thoughts of authors who work and research in these countries.
The book’s concept opens up two prospects. On the one hand different and corresponding developmental stages of family life-forms are worked out on the basis of these cooperation and analyses, simultaneously the attempt is made to motivate the colleagues in these countries to render their future ideas more precisely with respect to their respective cultural context. This way the possibility arises to work out the cultural distinctions of the respective development besides possible commonalities.

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