His lights are not ours: W. B. Yeats and the wartime poems of Louis MacNeice

Brown, Richard Danson (2005). His lights are not ours: W. B. Yeats and the wartime poems of Louis MacNeice. In: Harte, Liam; Whelan, Yvonne and Crotty, Patrick eds. Ireland: space, text, time. Dublin, Ireland: Liffey Press, pp. 113–123.

URL: http://www.theliffeypress.com/proddetail.php?prod=...


This essay explores MacNeice’s reading of Yeats, arguing that the relationship between the two poets is crucial to understanding both MacNeice’s work during the Second World War and his own ambivalent relationship with Ireland and Irishness. Though concentrating on the criticism and poetry of the early to mid-1940s, I suggest that Yeats remained central to MacNeice’s critical thinking.

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