Making sense of it all: using ICT to support older bilingual new arrivals

Crowther, Sheilagh and Eyres, Ian (2005). Making sense of it all: using ICT to support older bilingual new arrivals. In: Cable, Carrie and Eyres, Ian eds. Primary Teaching Assistants: Curiculum in Context. London, U.K.: David Fulton Publishers Ltd, pp. 93–95.



Teaching assistants are uniquely placed to support children's involvement with learning through the curriculum. This book explores those issues that are central to that process. Specifically it examines:- strategies for supporting learning and assessment in English, maths and science- inclusive and imaginative practices in all areas of learning- home and community contexts for learning- working practices which support professional development.This book is written primarily for learning support staff, their teaching colleagues and those responsible for professional development and training.

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