Celebrating and reinterpreting a Scottish heroine at home and abroad: the Mary Slessor connection

Di Domenico, Catherine and Di Domenico, MariaLaura (2007). Celebrating and reinterpreting a Scottish heroine at home and abroad: the Mary Slessor connection. In: Aitchison, Cara and Pritchard, Annette eds. Festivals and Events: culture and identity in leisure, sport and tourism. Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association, pp. 153–168.

URL: http://www.leisure-studies-association.info/LSAWEB...


In chapter nine Di Domenico and Di Domenico provide a detailed account of the ways in which the famous Scottish missionary, Mary Slessor of Calabar (1848-1915) has come to be celebrated in both Scotland and Nigeria in their chapter titled 'Celebrating and reinterpreting a Scottish heroine at home and abroad: the Mary Slessor connection'.

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