Possibility thinking with children in England aged 3-7

Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa; Burnard, Pamela and Chappell, Kerry (2008). Possibility thinking with children in England aged 3-7. In: Craft, Anna; Cremin, Teresa and Burnard, Pamela eds. Creative Learning 3-11 and How We Document It. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books Ltd., pp. 65–74.


About the book:
The desirability of creativity in learning is being emphasized more and more in Europe, the East and the West. Creative learning derives its uniqueness from certain enabling conditions. Defining and documenting it is slippery and problematic, but has to be done if we are to develop it meaningfully in schools. This book explores new theoretical, practical and methodological directions for engaging with creative learning and for documenting it by offering: evidence-based research by researchers and practitioners in the UK, US, China, South-East Asia, India and Europe; case study accounts of practitioner research work with children in a variety of settings; and theoretical chapters reviewing research methods, theorizing about these processes, synthesizing findings and insights, and drawing on themes arising from the case studies. Creative Learning 3-11 is for everyone with an active interest in creativity in education'teachers, students, researchers, trainers, policy developers, and parents. It will be an essential reader on teacher education courses at all levels and will provide critical support material for schools seeking to understand creative learning and to develop more creative ways of teaching.

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