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Aroyo, Lora; Nixon, Lyndon and Dietze, Stefan
[1st paragraph] 'New technology is transforming the TV industry', Mark Thompson, BBC Director General told the newspaper The Observer. The classic notion of TV being a set in the living room with finite channels and linear programming is already gone: TV has moved into the world of Internet and mobile technology and content is growing exponentially in terms of number and diversity. The notion of channels is being replaced by individual choice and on-demand programming. Distinctions between TV and other streaming content are blurred: both live in a shared connected online world. We expect that as the Future Internet develops, TV will complete this disruptive paradigm shift into becoming ubiquituous, always-available, and increasingly personalized. NoTube is a EU funded project (in the Objective 4.3 Intelligent Information Management) which began February 2009 and runs for three years, with the goal to prepare TV for the Future Internet – addressing challenges of TV content ubiquity and choice, personalization and integration.