The service web: a web of billions of services

Domingue, John; Fensel, Dieter; Davies, John; González-Cabero, Rafael and Pedrinaci, Carlos (2009). The service web: a web of billions of services. In: Tselentis, Georgios; Domingue, John; Galis, Alex; Gavras, Anastasius; Hausheer, David; Krco, Srdjan; Lotz, Volkmar and Zahariadis, Theodore eds. Towards a Future Internet: a European Research Perspective. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 203–216.



SOA4All, a collaborative European research and development project, is pioneering advanced web technology that will allow billions of parties to expose and consume IT services online. Four complementary technical advances are being integrated to create a coherent and domain-independent service delivery platform. Service-oriented architectures and service-orientation principles are being used to support the development of complex services based on distributed and reusable components. Web principles and technology are used to provide an underlying infrastructure that allows the integration of services at a world wide scale. Web 2.0 is used to structure human-machine cooperation in an efficient, user-adapted and cost effective manner. And semantic technology is used to enhance service discovery, composition and execution.

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