Rencontres nord-sud chez Essomba (Cameroun): le couple et l’interculturel

Ugochukwu, Francoise (2010). Rencontres nord-sud chez Essomba (Cameroun): le couple et l’interculturel. Ethiopiques, 84, pp. 215–228.



This study, based on three of Essomba’s novels, Le Paradis du nord (1996), Le Dernier gardien de l’arbre (1998) and Une Blanche dans le noir (2001), articulated like a trilogy, considers north-south relationships, represented by interracial couples in the novels. Their sincere intercultural relationship motivated by a genuine desire to appreciate others is presented as the key to harmonious international relations. For mixed couples in Essomba’s novels, premise of a new human race, origin or colour matter little: their survival and fruitfulness result from the successful transmission of ancestral wisdom within the couple, with love acting as an initiation.

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