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Hirst, C.; Back, J.; Joubert, M.; De Geest, E. and Sutherland, R.
One of the aims of the Researching Effective CPD in Mathematics Education (RECME) project was to investigate the influence of the NCETM portal on the professional development of teachers of mathematics. To gain an understanding of how the portal was being used, data was collected through in-depth interviews with a group of teachers who participated in the CPD initiatives that were part of the project. This session outlines the findings of this investigation by first considering the teachers’ use of
the NCETM portal through Blogs, Communities, Courses and Events, Mathemapedia, News, Personal Learning Space (PLS), Research, Resources and the Self-Evaluation Tool (SET). Analysis of the data showed that Communities and Courses and Events sections were the most useful. By focusing on how
the teachers were making use of these we began to see how they were not just enabling online communication but they were also being used to engage with different mathematics teaching and learning communities and to develop networks both online and face-to-face. This session explores how
the teachers were using the portal to extend their teaching networks, to share practice and knowledge, to engage with new ideas, seeing different perspectives and getting support from other teachers, and how this related to their professional development.