Judging the nation: evangelicals and divine retribution, 1817-1861

Wolffe, John (2004). Judging the nation: evangelicals and divine retribution, 1817-1861. In: Cooper, Kate and Gregory, Jeremy eds. Retribution, Repentance and Reconciliation. Studies in Church History (40). Woodbridge: Ecclesiastical History Society, pp. 291–300.


[About the book]: Though Jesus's teachings emphasized forgiveness, the themes of retribution and judgement have nonetheless played a significant role in Christian thought from the earliest times. It is in the struggle of ancient, medieval, and modern Churches to establish effective ritual and other strategies for re-uniting divided communities - to give full expression to ideals of repentance and reconciliation - that the present volume finds its theme, of interest for all periods of Christianity's history.

It brings together recent schoarship on how the Christian Churches haave dealt with social tensions within and beyond their boundaries, from ancient Rome to twentieth-century South Africa.

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