Exploring the total customer experience: usability evaluations of (B2C) e-commerce environments

Minocha, Shailey and Dawson, Liisa (2003). Exploring the total customer experience: usability evaluations of (B2C) e-commerce environments. In: Human Computer Interaction - INTERACT'03, 1-5 Sep 2003, Zurich, Swtizerland.


The term Total Customer Experience (TCE) encapsulates the customer’s experience of interacting with an E-Commerce environment. With increasing competition in the E-Marketplace, creating value and gener- ating a positive TCE is important for E-Commerce environments in order to attract and retain customers. Tradi- tional usability evaluation techniques in HCI such as heuristic evaluations and controlled user-observations yield usability problems with the E-Commerce Web site but are unable to uncover factors that mar a customer’s TCE. In this workshop, our aim is to assess the current state of usability evaluation techniques and propose a toolbox of evaluation techniques adapted from HCI and other domains such as social psychology, consumer behavioural analysis and marketing that can be used to promote a positive TCE and foster customer retention.

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