Making the difference: Teaching and learning strategies in successful multi-ethnic schools

Blair, Maud; Bourne, Jill; Coffin, Caroline; Creese, Angela and Kenner, Charmian (1998). Making the difference: Teaching and learning strategies in successful multi-ethnic schools. DfEE, London.



The findings of a 1996 review found that students from some minority ethnic groups, namely, those of African-Caribbean, Bangladeshi and Pakistani origin, have been consistently underachieving in school in relation to their peers.

To study the trends of minority underachievement, researchers visited 11 primary and 18 secondary schools. These were selected using the OFSTED data base and with additional information from LEAs, educationalists, local communities and parents.

The schools in this study were identified as successful in raising the attainment of all children or of particular ethnic groups within them.

In addition to 5 detailed case studies, 2 further secondary schools received extra visits in order to focus on provision for Gypsy Traveller students and refugee students.

Data was collected through semi-structured as well as open-ended interviews with Heads, senior management, subject and class teachers, support teachers and classroom assistants, parents and students. Relevant LEA personnel were also interviewed.

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