Secondary Analysis

Hewson, Claire (2006). Secondary Analysis. In: Jupp, Victor ed. The Sage Dictionary of Social Research Methods. London: Sage.



About the book: Bringing together the work of over eighty leading academics and researchers worldwide to produce the definitive reference and research tool for the social sciences, The SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods contains more than 230 entries providing the widest coverage of the all the main terms in the research process. It encompasses philosophies of science, research paradigms and designs, specific aspects of data collection, practical issues to be addressed when carrying out research, and the role of research in terms of function and context.

Each entry includes:

- A concise definition of the concept

- A description of distinctive features: historical and disciplinary backgrounds; key writers; applications

- A critical and reflective evaluation of the concept under consideration

- Cross references to associated concepts within the dictionary

- A list of key readings

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