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Moon, Bob
The need for in-service and continuing training for teachers is universally recognized; however, the studies tend to stress the role of pre-service training and education. As for continuing professional development, a question that arises in several of the studies is whether or not such course provision should be the purview of higher education institutions or be opened to nonacademic
providers, commercial consultation firms, for instance. Certain countries, like Hungary and England, are making important use of the latter possibility. Universities, can propose continuing education programmes for teachers, but their role in the endeavour is by no means guaranteed. The role of government and of accreditation agencies is to assure the quality of such offerings, be they offered by universities or by consultation firms.
This volume, the principal outcome of the project on teacher education, reveals many of the common factors influencing teacher education in the region. It identifies both innovating developments and new trends in the design of institutional models of teacher education. It provides additional information with regard to future policies and possible common lines of action in teacher education and training, aimed at improving the performance and the status of teachers, and of assisting them in coping with a series of new developments in education, in general, and higher education in particular, that include the continued evolution of the “Bologna Process” that is expected to give rise to a European Higher Education Area by 2010, the
assimilation of the information and communication technologies into all the areas of endeavour, and the linear emphasis on periodic in-service training for all teachers.