Story telling in Action Research projects: Malta, Bangladesh, Lebanon and Slovenia

Bell, Simon and Wood-Harper, Trevor (2007). Story telling in Action Research projects: Malta, Bangladesh, Lebanon and Slovenia. In: Kock, Ned ed. Information Systems Action Research: Bridging the Industry-University Technology Gap. New York: Springer, pp. 161–192.



Current Information Systems research is largely based on theoretical questions developed by IS researchers with little input from IS practitioners. This book reverses this situation. It increases the use of action research in conducting research activities in information technology and systems. Written by scholars widely recognized as authors of seminal ideas in action research, the book is organized into three parts. The first part focuses on the methodological issues that arise when action research methods are conducted. The second provides examples of action research in practice. The third summarizes the philosophical foundations of action research and its application as a methodology in Information Systems research and research programs. It includes information from Europe, Australasia, and the Americas that represent different traditions and perspectives in action research.

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