Podcasting for language learning: re-examining the potential

Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando (2009). Podcasting for language learning: re-examining the potential. In: Lomicka, Lara and Lord, Gillian eds. The Next Generation: Social Networking and Online Collaboration in Foreign Language Learning. San Marco: Calico, Texas, USA, pp. 13–34.

URL: https://calico.org/page.php?id=430


The popularity of portable media players and podcasting has increased in the last few years. Some researchers were quick to identify the potential uses and benefits of podcasting for language learning (Belanger, 2005; Clark & Walsh, 2005; Kaplan-Leiserson, 2005; Manning, 2006; Meng, 2005; Moody, 2006; Scinicariello, 2006; Sloan, 2005; Stanley, 2006; Thorne & Payne, 2005). However, “research into students’ experience of podcasting is in its very early stages” (Edirisingha, Rizzi, Nie, & Rothwell, 2007, p. 88). This chapter presents a review of how podcasting fits with language-learning theories (including constructivist approaches, the use of authentic materials, and informal and lifelong learning, among others), what features were identified as potential benefits of podcasting for language learning and what evidence we have now to support those claims. It focuses on the learning experience of the end users by examining a number of reports into students’ use of podcasting resources. The results show a varied picture of approaches, contexts, uses, and resources as well as some indications that student use in certain contexts is not what was expected.

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