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Holliman, Richard; Collins, Trevor; Jensen, Eric and Taylor, Peter (2009). ISOTOPE: Informing Science Outreach and Public Engagement. Final Report of the NESTA-funded ISOTOPE Project. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
This is the final report for the NESTA-funded phase of the ISOTOPE project, which ran from January 2007 to July 2009. In this report the authors document: the wider context within which the project was conducted, alongside an overview of some of the core research findings (Section 1); the aims of the project (Section 2); the management of the project, noting how the key project milestones were achieved, including some of the problems encountered and lessons learned (Section 3); the various outputs from the project, including a description of the website and research papers (Section 4); the evaluation of the project deliverables, noting how the findings informed further website development (Section 5); the impacts of the project (Section 6); and, finally, a brief overview of the future plans for ISOTOPE (Section 7).