A revision tool for teaching and learning sequence diagrams

Thomas, Pete; Waugh, Kevin and Smith, Neil (2008). A revision tool for teaching and learning sequence diagrams. In: Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008, 30 Jun - 4 Jul 2008, Vienna, Austria.

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This paper describes a software tool that has been developed to help students learn to produce UML sequence diagrams (SDs) in the context of object modelling. The tool, called the SD-Exerciser, developed from an earlier tool for learning about entity-relationship diagrams, presents a student with a series of questions and invites the student to produce SDs that represent the interactions for the use cases embedded in the questions. The SD-Exerciser marks each attempt at a diagram and provides several feedback perspectives on the student’s answer. A new development is the ability to check a sequence diagram for syntax errors some of which the tool will attempt to repair. The SD-Exerciser incorporates an automatic marking algorithm based on the successful ERD marker and experiments to date show that it continues to be effective in the new situation.

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