Ecological citizenship and global justice: Two paths converging?

Dobson, Andrew (2004). Ecological citizenship and global justice: Two paths converging? In: Haugestad, A. K. and Wulfhorst, J. D. eds. Future as Fairness: Ecological Justice and Global Citizenship. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, pp. 1–15.



About the book: Twenty years after the establishment of the World Commission on Environment and Development, the 13 contributions in this interdisciplinary volume offer a broad spectrum of perspectives and research-based recommendations on environmental sustainability, social justice and the human enterprise. The cases explored cover global citizenly rights and obligations, environmental health, ecological building practices, tradable fuel permits, forestry and illegal logging, local waste management, employment and risk assessments, the genetic modification debate, nuclear and toxic waste, global environmental governance and 500 years of globalization.

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