Law and development: facing complexity in the 21st Century

Hatchard, John (2003). Law and development: facing complexity in the 21st Century. London, UK: Cavendish Publishing, p. 287.



This new book is an edited collection of papers arising from a conference on Law and Development in the 21st Century held in 2001. It is in honour of the work of Dr Peter Slinn.

It draws together the lessons and challenges faced in relation to law and development in the 21st century,with particular reference to the concerns of Commonwealth states. It addresses practical and theoretical aspects of law and economic, social and political development at national and international levels. Students, academics and practitioners in the fields of law and development, development studies and public administration will find this book of interest. 'The book taken as a whole would not only enlighten considerably those with little knowledge or experience in the area of law and development but could significantly broaden and enrich the knowledge of persons more experiences in this area.

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