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Power, Tom; Porteus, Kimberley; Ramadiro, Brian; Thsume, Nomakholwa; Makalema, Shumi and Thomas, Rhodri
This chapter explores the intersection of development, education and ICTs, in the contexts of schools serving disadvantaged rural or peri-urban communities in the Eastern Cape, the poorest province of South Africa.
It draws primarily upon the experiences of research and development collaboration carried out between 2001 and 2006 by two teams, one from the Nelson Mandela Institute for Rural Education and Development (NMIRED, South Africa), and another from the Open University (OU, United Kingdom). Both teams brought ground-breaking experiences and insights into the educational experiences of rural communities (Nelson Mandela Foundation, 2005) and the possibilities of new mobile technologies for teacher education and practice in such communities (Leach et al, 2006).
This chapter is a first attempt to publicly set out some of the ideas, concepts and challenges we grappled with. It is incomplete and partial, drawing upon fragments and starting points. It does not seek to provide answers, nor even questions, but it seeks to bring to the surface some of the slippery ideas, concepts and challenges that we have struggled to grasp and to name. It is a beginning.
We explore some of the issues around rurality, education and development in the global south, as well as some of the concepts and rhetoric around the role of ICT for education and development. How are these are playing out in the experiences of those in rural schools, and what the implications are for future roles of ICT in rural education and development.