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Tetley, Josie and Glover, Jean
For nursing to become firmly established as a research-based profession, it is essential that all nurses are equipped with the skills to critique research literature. This demands the integration of research application into nursing curricula at all levels. In order for nursing problems to be effectively illuminated, it is important that a range of quantitative and qualitative approaches are utilised. This necessitates teaching material from across the range of relevant research paradigms. Many students commencing pre-registration courses have a limited knowledge of either nursing or research. Others have had a variety of previous experiences of research as a subject, some of which have generated negative stereotypes and disinterest. This paper will explore the challenges encountered when teaching research to students on a pre-registration advanced diploma course.
The authors have developed a range of experiential exercises which attempt to explore research concepts in a meaningful way. The presentation of research principles is followed up by formative work linked to clinical placements. Discussion during feedback sessions allows for sharing of ideas and experiences within the group and facilitates critical reflection. The evaluation from this initiative has been positive and encouraging. A selection of the methods used and evaluation material will be presented.