Setting a precautionary catch limit for Antarctic krill

Hewitt, R. P.; Watkins, J. L.; Naganobu, M.; Tshernyshkov, P.; Brierley, A. S.; Demer, D. A.; Kasatkina, S.; Takao, Y.; Goss, C.; Malyshko, A.; Brandon, M. A.; Kawaguchi, S.; Siegel, V.; Trathan, P. N.; Emery, J. H.; Everson, I. and Miller, D. G. M. (2002). Setting a precautionary catch limit for Antarctic krill. Oceanography, 15(3) pp. 26–33.



A revised precautionary catch limit for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea of 4 million tons was recently adopted by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). The limit was based on a total biomass of 44.3 million tons, as estimated from an acoustic and net survey of krill across the Scotia Sea sector of the Southern Ocean, and a harvest rate of 9.1%, as determined from an analysis of the risks of exceeding defined conservation criteria. We caution, however, that before the fishery can expand to the 4-inillion-ton level it will be necessary to establish mechanisms to avoid concentration of fishing effort, particularly in proximity to colonies of land-breeding krill predators, and to consider the effects of krill immigrating into the region from multiple sources.

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