Changing Places: Perspectives on the development of a municipal suburban streetscape

Mooney, Gerry (1998). Changing Places: Perspectives on the development of a municipal suburban streetscape. In: Fyfe, Nicholas ed. Images of the Street: Planning, identity and control in public space. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 31–43.



About the book:
Images of the Street captures the vitality, excitements and tensions of the street. Using examples from the U.K, India, Australia and North America the contributors draw on research in cultural geography, sociolgy, cultural studies and planning to explore the making and meaning of urban space.
Among the themes examined are:1.the way streetscapes are shaped by interplay between politics, planning and local political economy differences of individuals experiences' of the street social identities are shaped and represented in fiction and film 4.the meaning and significance of streets as settings to play out social practices social life is regulated on the street, formerly by police and indirectly through architecture and urban design

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