Tackling Poverty and Disadvantage: Towards An Alternative Strategy

Mooney, Gerry and Scott, Adam (2007). Tackling Poverty and Disadvantage: Towards An Alternative Strategy. In: Cumbers, Andy and Whittam, Geoff eds. Reclaiming the economy: Alternatives to market fundamentalism in Scotland and beyond. Glasgow, UK: Scottish Left Review Press, pp. 170–183.

URL: http://www.scottishleftreview.org


About the book:
The takeover of the economic policy agenda by business corporations and their supporters in the political mainstream is one of the defining characteristics of the age. The 'free' market, trade liberalisation, privatisation and the protection of property rights now dominate the concerns of our political classes and the opinion formers who influence them, with only lip service paid to labour rights, social inequality and the environment. Challenging the dominent policy agenda, the contributers to this book argue for the construction of a more humane and sustainable economy.

The book develops a set of alternative visions, which both de-couple discussions of the economy from vested corporate interests and ask more fundamental questions about what an economy should be for and who it should be for and who it should serve. Departing from mainstream policy and economics orthodoxy, it is geared towards building a radical left agenda, yet at the same time, one that is grounded in a practical politics. This book emerges from a particular initiative within Scotland, the Alternative Economic Strategy Network, bringing together progressive academics, trade unionists and activists to debate and explore alternatives to neo-liberalism and mainstream economics.

Reflecting this 'local' context, some of the papers develop critiques and policies directed at the Scottish public policy agenda, whilst others have a more general application. But all seek to contribute to a broader global vision challenging the free market fundamentalism of our time.

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