Testing Gronroos' Model in the Financial Services Sector

Sanghera, J.; de Chernatony, L. and Brown, A. (2002). Testing Gronroos' Model in the Financial Services Sector. Service Industries Journal, 22(3) pp. 1–14.

URL: http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/(zbezybjehy52y35...


The characteristics of services make each service brand unique and difficult for managers to pragmatically capture. The augmented services offering model may help identify sources of brand differentiation. Empirical application of this services offering model through 15 depth interviews with managers responsible for two financial services brands in the same organisation, reveals that the model helps managers realise the processes involved in delivering and marketing their brands. Certain elements of the model, e.g., buyer-seller interactions have more value to managers than other elements. The model had more relevance to senior managers who recognised its brand differentiation potential.

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