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Kehily, Mary Jane ed. (2008). Wprowadzenie do badań nad dzieciństwem. Krakow, Poland: Wydawnictwo.
Polish translation of 'An Introduction to Childhood Studies':
This book is a collective work by presenting a carefully selected collection of articles on contemporary research into childhood, written by scholars representing various fields of scientific research and the different approaches. The publication is divided into three parts, according to three dominant areas in which there are up to date research on childhood (historical socjokulturowy and politologiczny). Poprzedzone zostały obszernym wprowadzeniem, w którym redaktor, Jane Mary Kehily wnikliwie omawia każdy w obszarów badawczych i zarysowuje tematykę poszczególnych artykułów. Were preceded by an extensive introduction in which the editor, Mary Jane Kehily carefully discusses each in the areas of research and outlines the themes of individual articles.