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Butters, O. W.; Norton, A. J.; Mukai, K. and Barlow, E. J.
Aims. We aim to establish the X-ray properties of the intermediate polar candidate IGR J15094–6649 and therefore confirm its inclusion into the class.
Methods. 42 856 s of X-ray data from RXTE was analysed. Frequency analysis was used to constrain temporal variations and spectral analysis used to characterise the emission and absorption properties.
Results. A spin period of 809.7 ± 0.6 s is present, revealed as a complex pulse profile whose modulation depth decreases with increasing X-ray energy. The spectrum is well fitted by either a 17 ± 4 keV Bremsstrahlung or ? = 1.8 ± 0.1 power law, with an iron emission line feature and significant absorption in each case.
Conclusions. IGR J15094–6649 is confirmed to be an intermediate polar.