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Hossain, S.; Truman, C. E.; Smith, D. J. and Bouchard, P. J.
This paper presents measurements of the in-plane residual stress components through the wall of a 218 mm long, 26 mm deep repair weld, offset by 7 mm from the centerline of a girth weld joining two type 316H stainless steel pipes approximately 37 mm thick. The measurements were obtained using the deep hole drilling technique. Two locations were examined: (i) mid-length of the repair weld and (ii) the stop-end of the repair. Both measurements were taken along the girth weld centerline. The distributions and magnitudes of the measured longitudinal and transverse stress components at the two locations were very similar over the outer half of the pipe wall. Over the inner half of the pipe wall both components of stress were found to be significantly more compressive at the stop-end of the repair than at mid-length. In general, the transverse residual stresses were found to be lower than the longitudinal residual stresses at both locations. The measured stress profiles are compared with predicted residual stresses from a three-dimensional finite element analysis.