'I Try To Open My Ears': Experiences And Strategies Of Students Learning English As An Additional Language And Studying For Higher Education

Safford, Kimberly and Costley, Tracy (2006). 'I Try To Open My Ears': Experiences And Strategies Of Students Learning English As An Additional Language And Studying For Higher Education. NALDIC Occasional Paper 20; National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum, Reading.

URL: http://www.naldic.org.uk/eal-publications-resource...


The paper draws on interviews with secondary school students learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) in mainstream settings in the UK, where the students describe their resources and strategies for learning English in multiple social and academic contexts. Silence and self-study emerge as key survival strategies, whilst multilingual family and friendship networks play key roles in supporting their day-to-day schoolwork and future ambitions.

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