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Bassett, Sally; Waights, Verina; De Normanville, Claire; Brown, Alan; Cave, Ian; Lee, Sarah; Dennis, Lucy; Taylor, Paul; Eaton, Anne; Morton, Tracey; Moore, Ros; Lyndon, Helen and Mitcham, Liz (2007). Fitness to practice: an assurance framework for community matrons and case managers. NHS East of England, UK.
NHS East of England in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University, Open University, University of Essex and University of Leeds were commissioned by the Department of Health (DH) to produce the third in a series of DH guidelines, in the form of an assurance framework, to support the development and implementation of Community Matrons and Case Managers.
The assurance framework has been designed to develop community matrons and case managers in the workforce, to ensure they are competent to carry out their roles. The guidance will be of particular value to community matrons, who as nurses are required to meet the regulatory requirements of the Nursing & Midwifery council, it will also be of value to case managers who also wish to use the framework to support the process of assuring their fitness to practice.
Using a combination of the KSF, expertise from Higher Education Institutions, requirements of registering bodies, good practice drawn from primary care, self regulation and continual professional development the Assurance Framework supports individuals to achieve Mastery of Practice (competent to practice at masters level) through a series of practical tools demonstrated in an accompanying CD - resource file, available from