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Miller, Linda and Cable, Carrie eds. (2008). Professionalism in the Early Years. London, UK: Hodder Education.
The focus for this book is professionalism in the early years. Recent developments have heightened debates around professionalism, professional practice and professional development for early years practitioners in England. Such debates include: the different roles undertaken by those working in the early years and what should they be in the future; questions about the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes needed to carry out these varying roles; issues relating to pathways and progression routes for the workforce and what constitutes professionalism and professional practice. Throughout the book we explore these questions and consider the range of early years professionals that will be needed to implement this government agenda. We explore notions of professionalism in both a national and international context in the belief that all practitioners need to be able to engage critically, reflectively and reflexively with policy agendas, as well as with theory, practice and research.