Le boire en pays igbo: le vin parle pour eux

Ugochukwu, Francoise (2001). Le boire en pays igbo: le vin parle pour eux. Journal des Africanistes, 71(2) pp. 33–47.

URL: http://www.mae.u-paris10.fr/africanistes/numeros_8...


Nigerian literature reveals to its reader the central place of festival and wine in the country's cultures. This article studies wine in Igbo language and culture, south-east of the Federation, and presents the trees it is taken from. It surveys the evolution of drinking habits since the arrival of missionaries in the 19th century, and follows the wine from its tapping to its consumption. It shows the central role it plays in the culture where it follows the youth at each step of their social life and shows itself a powerful symbol both in everyday life and in customary courts.

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