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Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Hutchings, Michael and Withers, P. J.
Neutron diffraction measurements of the strain profile in a quenched plate of an aluminium-silicon carbide particle-reinforced metal matrix composite are reported. The results have been used to evaluate the efficacy of an analysis technique which allows distinction of the stiffness mismatch and shape misfit stresses between the matrix and reinforcement, as well as between these and any macrostress present. The analysis is presented for measurements made on a metal matrix composite plate which, as a consequence of quenching from elevated temperature, shows large variations in residual stress as a function of position through the plate thickness. The measurements illustrate the additional insight which can be obtained through the separation of the elastic mismatch and thermal misfit stresses. The stress components thus obtained show good agreement with calculated long-range residual and mismatch stresses.